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We’re often asked about the benefits of doing a guided hike vs. venturing out on one’s own. Here are our top ten reasons:

  1. Safety. Hike Maui guides are experts in determining where and when it’s safe to hike. You don’t need to worry about getting yourself in a dangerous situation you won’t know how to get out of. Our guides also carry the proper equipment to safely cross freshwater streams, ensuring your rainforest adventure is completely safe.
  2. Jump off a Waterfall. On most of our hikes, you’ll be given an opportunity to safely jump off one or more waterfalls (completely optional, of course). This is the experience of a lifetime for many of our guests! Our guides know when it’s safe and when it’s not safe to jump and will encourage and coach you the entire time. Unleash your inner daredevil!
  3. Learn Without Realizing It. Our guides are a wealth of information on all things Hawai’i and Maui. They’ll teach you about history, culture, geology, and botany—interesting facts you might not otherwise learn. It will be the most fun you’ve ever had in school!
  4. Get Tips from a Local. All of our guides have lived on Maui for at least two years, and many are born and raised. Ask them anything you want to know about fun stuff to do here (besides our hikes), and the best restaurants to try.
  5. No Planning Required. We do the hard part for you—planning the day. And we provide all the equipment: backpacks, rain ponchos, insect repellent, bottled water, and food. You basically just need to make a reservation and show up. Your guide will take it from there. It’s completely stress free!
  6. Fantastic Photo Ops. Your friends and family back home will be amazed and impressed by all the great pics you post on Instagram and Facebook. They’ll be totally jealous!
  7. Elite Guides. We employ the crème de la crème of Maui tour guides. They go through an intense, six-week training program, and are required to shadow a senior guide four times before we set them loose. You can be assured the hike will be way more than just a simple nature walk. Plus, all our guides are really cool and fun to hang out with!
  8. Sample Tropical Fruits Right Off the Tree. On most of our hikes, your guide will pick fresh tropical fruits right off trees for you to taste. It doesn’t get any fresher than that!
  9. See Maui’s Wild Side. Many visitors spend their entire vacation hanging out at the resort or the beach. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s great to spend a day (or two) exploring the untamed parts of Maui. With Hike Maui you’ll do just that and make awesome memories to last a lifetime.
  10. Best Day of Your Vacation. Many of our guests say the day they spent with Hike Maui was the best of their entire vacation! If you don’t believe us, check out our “Reviews” page.

Convinced? Book your Hike Maui tour right now! You’ll have no regrets.

Big Mahalos to our valued guest, Nena Young, for allowing us to use her photo.